
Welcome to Masterful Creators where you will embark on a journey that will arouse the deepest pockets of your mind. Where you will be awakened into your present, inner being and be reconnected to the pure, positive energy that is you!

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Welcome to Masterful Creators.

When you feel like a slow-moving wheel in a fast-paced environment congested with fear and responsibilities, sometimes that glass of wine may help to remove the stress, bills, headache, everyday annoyances and many other problems. However, the relief is as temporary as your first and last sip.

When life begins to feel burdening, everyone needs a little inspiration and pick me up. Everyone needs soothing comfort and reminder that all is well. If you are looking for a little enlightenment, a different perspective, some conversation or empowerment, then you have come to the right place.

I’m Evy Hristov. In the shortest summary possible, I am a photographer, writer and former teacher. I taught Elementary kiddos for over a decade, but my real teaching passion was not about facts or formulas or how to construct a recount. It has always been about teaching self-love and empowerment.

Realizing my lesson plans were wasteful when one loses sight of their inner brilliance, I spent many years throughout different grades simply building confidence.

Though I formally hold a bachelor’s degree in education, I am a psychological analyst at heart. There is nothing I have studied or have been captivated by more than human behavior.

My perspective of the world has invariably been outside the box. I cannot help but become deeply analytical about life. I thrive on exploring the depths of our existence and love to go as far, as wide and as deep as my physical mind will allow. Essentially, I leave no answers unquestioned!

Most of all, I am an inspirer and up lifter. Nothing thrills me more than shifting and reverting energy into divine joy. Nothing excites me more than witnessing positive transformation before my eyes and then reveling in its magnificence.

Therefore, my writing speaks very much to the Law of Attraction but more so, it aims to empower self. Our creative control, influence and genius is often underestimated.

Thus, it is my objective to remind and reconnect you to your inner power and mastery. It is with great intention to liberate you from thoughts that keep you captive and to assist you in awakening to, owning, loving and sharing your brilliance with the world.

Expect nothing less than magic.

Realize your fantasies.

Ignite your power.

Dare to create your masterpiece.

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Mental Dystopia

Dystopia is an ancient Greek word meaning ‘bad place’. Whilst ‘bad’ is a broad term, we could agree, ‘bad’ is not an environment one would thrive or find joy and comfort in. Societies, countries, and the world overall are often viewed as a ‘bad place’ filled with environmental issues, inequality, elitism, racism, and heavy enforcement …



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